


No clusters yet defined




No clusters yet defined

Team info

Celestine Lawrence
Contact team

The Mission

To inspire and enable students to address the challenges of environmental health through innovative solutions that enhance monitoring, prevention, and community education. ExposHealth seeks to drive impactful projects that safeguard public health and promote sustainable living.


Environmental exposure to pollutants, toxins, and harmful substances is a growing concern, contributing to chronic diseases and poor health outcomes worldwide. Despite increasing awareness, there is a lack of tools and initiatives to monitor, mitigate, and educate communities about the impact of environmental health hazards.

The Solution

ExposHealth challenges students to create projects such as wearable devices for monitoring air quality exposure, AI-driven models predicting the impact of pollution, or community campaigns to reduce harmful environmental factors. Teams will collaborate with public health experts, environmental scientists, and technologists, leveraging real-world data and resources to make a tangible impact.

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